Category Archives: Social Media

Blog Buffer

It’s been awhile since my last blog update, which leads me right into today’s topic.

It’s no secret that successful blogs update regularly, which I am still trying to manage.  I had intended to post updates over the weekend, but life and a family emergency got firmly in my way and the updates never happened.  Since WordPress allows blog posts in advance, the issue boils down to content, content, content.

Cartoonist and author Howard Tayler of Schlock Mercenary is famous for his “buffer”.  He writes, draws, inks, and colors strips on a schedule well in advance.  In all the time I’ve been following the strip I have never seen him miss an update because he didn’t have content ready to go.  I see plenty of blogs that update daily without fail, so I’m sure they follow a similar routine.  The question is not if you will need a buffer of content ready to post, but when.

I don’t know when I’m going to get my blog buffer in place, but I know I need it.  Do you have a blog buffer?  How far out in advance do you schedule your blog updates?  Please leave comments here!

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Filed under Social Media

Beware of Marketers in Bloggers’ Clothing

If you’ve ever started a blog or a professional website, you’ve probably also gotten some kind of communication from some expert offering to help you improve your web traffic/ad revenue/SEO.

Now, I have nothing against companies that offer to do these things.  I’m sure good ones can provide valuable services to established businesses that need to up their game.

But if you’re just starting out, you really don’t know if you have a product that people want or if you’ve got what it takes to succeed.  Spending money to chase after customers you don’t know if you can get, let alone keep, is not good business.  What it is, is a way to give your money to someone else to make their business successful.

Take what I am about to say with a grain of salt because I’m still learning this stuff myself.  But I think it’s good advice and sound business practice.

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Filed under Social Media